Kids Karate North York

Kids Karate North York classes at Evoke Martial Arts & Kickboxing:

Parents, give you little one a headstart with exciting Kids Karate North York Classes that uniquely target the stages of development of children ages 4 to 7.

Your child’s uncanning focus, inner potential, and unshakeable will are just a few Karate Kids classes away.

We don’t just teach kids “Karate”… we prepare them for life!

After-school activities – like dance, gymnastics, hockey or soccer – teaches kids a lot of things… but come short in helping develop other important life skills like: A deep sense of respect, confidence, self-control, discipline, and focus.

We developed our Kids Karate North York classes using research on child education programing, focusing on the different Stages of Behavior and Development in children. Parents are always amazed at the wonderful life changing benefits that Martial arts has to offer to kids. It is so much more than just learning to punch or kick!

Focus. Teamwork. Discipline. Confidence. Respect. These are regular themes we address in our Lil’ Dragons classes. What’s great about it is that we don’t preach from a pulpit, but engage your child in martial arts skills and activities that show them how these life skills come about in their every day lives at home, at play, and at school.

Our classes are separated by a well-structured curriculum based on age, attention span, and motor skill level; with kids having lots of fun and experiencing the life-changing benefits of martial arts. We also separate older children from the younger ones; ensuring that your child is getting age-appropriate instruction in every class.

kids karate north york
kids karate north york

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The goal of our Kids Karate North York Classes is to help your child to develop a healthy mind and body; empowering them with a non-quitting spirit, and the confidence to face life’s little challenges and succeed!

These are a few of the many reasons we’ve been referred to as one of Toronto‘s best children’s Karate classes for age appropriate instruction. Our Lil’ Dragons children’s martial arts program is by far one of the most rewarding, and popular activities for children ages 4 through 7 that provides kids with a good balance of fun and learning.

We maintain a student to instructor ratio of about 6:1 – ensuring that your child is getting personalized attention all the time. 4 & 5 year olds, for example, are in separate classes from 6 & 7 year old children. Each group enjoys an age-appropriate curriculum designed uniquely for their stages of growth and development.

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kids karate north york